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australasian hydrographic Society

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Training Workshops (Brisbane): QINSy - Qimera - Qarto

  • 11 Dec 2017
  • 08:30
  • 12 Dec 2017
  • 16:00
  • Port of Brisbane
  • December 11: QINSy and Qarto.
  • December 12: Qimera Bathymetry and Water Column Data Processing and Analysis.
  • The focus of this workshop will be on the Optimised Hydrographic Workflow existing between the QPS products QINSy, Qimera and Qarto. The latest software improvements for each product (QINSy for acquisition and online QC, Qimera for bathymetry and water column processing, and Qarto for chart generation/ updating) will be demonstrated.
  • The courses offered will be hands-on exercises overseen by certified QPS training personnel. Emphasis for the QINSy training will be on the use of the software in coastal and harbour hydrographic surveys including the planning, logging, and online QC of bathymetry, backscatter, and subbottom profiler data. The Qimera course will show the most recent advances in automated project setup, horizontal and vertical adjustments, point editing, automated filtering, water column data analysis, and troubleshooting. The Qarto section will present options for end product chart generation or ENC updating.

These workshops present an opportunity to discuss issues affecting your operations with expert users in the field. Cost for the workshop will be:

  • QPS Clients under current Maintenance Agreement: $100 AUD / day / person. 
  • QPS Clients with expired Maintenance or New Clients: $150 AUD / day / person.

Cost includes training material, training dongles, and training data sets. Attendees are expected to provide their own laptops. 

Please register online at Acoustic Imaging or for further information email

Space is limited so register now

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