australasian hydrographic Society |
Because of the geographical area covered by the Society, meetings of members and other activities are generally conducted on a Regional basis. Each Region has its own Management Committee consisting of at least a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The Chairman of each committee is a member of the AHS Council. The Society may, by special resolution, increase or decrease the number of Regions it recognises for the purposes of the constitution.
Currently there are four Regions and one Division: the East Australia Region, the West Australia Region, the New Zealand Region, the South West Pacific Region. The AOTM Division services the needs of those new members of the Society who were originally members and supporters of Australia on the Map: 1606 - 2006. The AOTM Division continues to maintain its own website.
West Australia Region (WAR)The West Australia Region supports those members residing in Western Australia, Northern Territory and South Australia. The main activities of the region are centred on the Perth/Fremantle area with technical meetings being held periodically throughout the year. | East Australia Region (EAR)The East Australia Region supports those members residing in all states other than WA, SA, NT and in New Zealand. The main activities of the region are centred on, but not limited to, the Newcastle/Sydney/Wollongong area with technical meetings being held periodically throughout the year. |
New Zealand Region (NZR)As the name suggests, the New Zealand Region serves the interests of those members resident in New Zealand. They undertake monthly teleconferences and organise an annual seminar in July in conjunction with their Annual General Meeting. Each year the region organises 2-4 webinars with a variety of speakers to keep in touch with their widespread membership. The AHS NZ region works in partnership with Survey and Spatial New Zealand’s Hydrography Stream. For more information on the Hydrography Stream please click on the button bellow. | ![]() South West Pacific Region (SWP)The South West Pacific (SWP) Region supports members residing East Timor, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. Other small islands states other than those listed are also welcome to join the SWP Region. Activities such as seminars, information evenings and general meetings will be arranged to meet the needs of SWP members. Conferences and symposiums may also be arranged. Such activities will centre on Suva, will be at least biannually and focus on SW Pacific issues. |
Australia on the Map DivisionThe AOTM Division services the needs of those new members of the Society who were originally members and supporters of "Australia on the Map: 1606 - 2006" (AOTM). The focus was particularly on the many Mariners who (whether by accident or design) charted our coasts – and put “Australia on the Map”, thereby making it known to the world. The primary vision of AOTM continues to be improving the understanding and knowledge of the nation’s history for all people of Australia. The AOTM Division continues to maintain its own website at below link: |