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New Flood Warning Infrastructure Framework and Standard Endorsed by ANZEMC

08 Nov 2019 08:47 | Admin (Administrator)

On 27 August, the Australia-New Zealand Emergency Management Committee (ANZEMC) endorsed the National Framework for Flood Warning Infrastructure and the Flood Warning Infrastructure Standard developed by the National Flood Warning Infrastructure Working Group (the Working Group). The Framework provides guidance for future flood warning infrastructure planning and investment, based on jurisdictional analyses of their flood warning infrastructure. The Standard presents non-mandatory industry-recommended performance requirements for the design, development and monitoring of fit-for-purpose flood warning infrastructure. These initiatives will guide future flood warning infrastructure investments in an integrated and cost-efficient manner, to enhance flood warnings to the community. This marks the successful conclusion of the time-limited Working Group and is testimony to the collaborative nature of the Working Group and the hard work of all involved.

Following Munro (2011) recommendations, ANZEMC established a Bureau of Meteorology Hazards Services Taskforce (the Taskforce) in October 2013. The Taskforce reported to ANZEMC in May 2015 and recommended the formation of the Working Group. The Working Group was established in 2016 to address the limitations and inconsistencies of flood infrastructure and standards across Australia. The Working Group involved extensive collaboration and inter-agency cooperation to standardise national flood warning services and infrastructure; an ambitious undertaking given the wide variety of climates, jurisdictions, and agencies involved. The Working Group was a time-limited project, working to deliver a Flood Warning Infrastructure Standard, Infrastructure reports for each jurisdiction, and a National Framework for Flood Warning Infrastructure by 2019. The Working Group produced these deliverables within the specified timeframe.

Chairs of the ANZEMC

Collaboration was key to the success of the Working Group. In accordance with the Total Flood Warning System, flood warnings in Australia are provided via a partnership involving all levels of government: Commonwealth, State, Territory and local. While the Bureau of Meteorology has the responsibility for the provision of forecasting and warning services for riverine flooding in all states and territories (with limited exceptions), the prime responsibility for flash flood warnings lies with states and territories in partnership with local government. However, the Bureau provides forecasts and warnings for severe weather conditions and potential heavy rainfall conducive to flash flooding. Given the already inter-dependent nature of these relationships, the Working Group demonstrated the significance of a cooperative spirit to improve the preparedness and safety of the community.

Consultation: Flood Warning Infrastructure Standard

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